Explore COVID-19 Statistics
Using data collected from January 22, 2020, to March 10, 2023 by John Hopkinās, we embark on a journey of analysis and exploration, utilizing the power of ArcGIS. This blog explores meaningful patterns, visualize the impact of the pandemic, and demonstrate the immense potential of ArcGIS for informed decision-making.
This ArcGIS dashboard presents a wealth of COVID-19 information. This interactive tool is divided into two informative tabs, each shedding light on a vital aspect of the pandemic: “Confirmed Cases” and “Deaths by Country.”
Beyond the map visualizations, our dashboard includes two additional panels that offer essential statistical insights. The first panel displays the total number of confirmed cases worldwide, enabling users to track the evolving scope of the pandemic. The second panel showcases the Mortality Rate, providing a key indicator of the virus’s deadliness. These dynamic statistics enable users to monitor trends and understand the global impact of COVID-19 at a glance.